Museum of Sports Glory

    Museum-laboratory of Gomel   Sports Glory  

    Representation   of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus in the   Gomel region

    «Gitius, altius, fartius» ( faster, higher,  stronger)   is the motto of   the Olympic Games.
    » The Olympic  idea is   aimed at maintaining  a  balance between   mind and body  as it  focuses   in a bright   ray the   moral values which are necessary for the   perfecting of man ,»  Pierre de   Coubertin
    The Olympic movement   has  become  the most popular movement of   today,   and no government ,  no single statesman   can ignore   this fact.   Sport   is an original   reservoir   of national culture   and  our  Olympic champions   are   our national heritage .      
    We consider   sport  to be  an important   social phenomenon,   a part of  the government  policy , and the  Olympic movement   is an important element   of this policy.

President of the Republic   of Belarus,
President of   the National Olympic Committee
Alexander Lukashenka

A new page   in the history   of the museum - laboratory

October 14, 2006  – the National   Olympic Committee   opens a   museum- laboratory  of Gomel Sports Glory.

The exposition   of the museum — laboratory of   Gomel   Sports Glory



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